Tuesday, 4 October 2011

Retirement Village for Hardcore Raiders

There has been a running gag in our guild since our (currently on a break) prot/holy paladin joined us on his warlock during Icecrown Citadel, forsaking a spot in the top guild on the realm (the only one that got Lich King 25 heroic during WotLK) at the time for a nice quiet spot in a 10man guild with a 2-night/week raid schedule that we should advertise ourselves as a Retirement Village for Hardcore Raiders.

This joke has unexpectedly become a very real thing for us since Cataclysm put 10mans on the same progress scale as 25s.  Our first was an application from a random shadow priest that nobody knew (a previous alt, it turns out, that some people actually did know), who had been in a guild that had occupied the Realm First spot at one point. The second was a Name on our realm, saying that he wanted the more relaxed raiding schedule.  It turned out that he was wrong - he can either not raid or he can raid 5 days a week.  We were very sad to say goodbye to him, but we did extend a friendly hand and welcome him back on an alt whenever he wanted.

We have now received 3 cross-realm apps, all of which have cited our progress and the 2day raid week as the main reason they looked at us.  The one we got yesterday...  I actually thought it was someone trolling me.  But I am currently looking at a toon on armoury with my guild tag and an achievement history that would gain him entry to a world top 30 guild.  It seems this gentleman scrolled down the list of top guilds until he hit on one that raided 2 days a week.  And that lucky little guild was us.

I am in the process of persuading my guild leader to put "Retirement Village for Hardcore Raiders" in our wowprogress and guildox descriptions.

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