My co-gl posted today that our gl is going to (has already?) quit WoW. It seems our guild leader apparently can't even be bothered to tell us himself, let alone log on and hand over the guild leader rank to someone else.
As depressing as it is to lose one of the best geared toons in our raid group (indeed, the only toon with 2 pieces of heroic tier), it's infinitely more depressing to realise he cares so little for us that he can't even extend us the basic courtesy of handing over the reigns and letting us know that he's leaving us for good.
And so it seems we will have to wait another 16 days before our co-gl can ticket and ask for a gm to hand over guild leader to him. 16 days with no access to any of the administrative stuff, like bank access and rank settings and no recourse should one of our members be hacked and the guild bank be cleaned out. 16 days with our poor co-gl trying desperately to steer without a rudder.
Thanks for nothing.
It'll be worth it in the long run. Gz Lor, you deserve it, and should have had it ages ago imo.