Tuesday, 19 April 2011

Maths! Trinket discussion

In this I'm going to cover all the trinkets from the lowest that I deem to be suitable to start raids with to the incredible Shard of Woe from Sinestra.  Let's all take a moment to wipe the drool from our chins from the thought of that trinket.

Who am I to decide what trinkets are suitable for raids?  I am the writer of this blog, that's who!  And also, I had the most unbelievably horrible luck with trinkets when I hit 85.  Despite doing at least a level and a half on my road from 80-85 via Archaeology, and spending most of my non-raid time doing Archaeology, I only got Tyrande's Favourite Doll on the 18th of March, I had to wait until the last few hours of Darkmoon Faire to get the last card for my Darkmoon Card: Tsunami and I only got Tear of Blood after we started raiding despite doing Stonecore everyday (I hate that instance so much now, you can't possibly understand.  I even have the damn mount from the second boss so I NEVER have to go back there again).  Because of these reasons, some of the trinkets that I deem to be raidworthy may be viewed as questionable - but hey, starting raids with Sea Star is better than an empty trinket slot.

Due to the variable nature of spirit regen with Intellect, I will be using the following numbers to calculate trinkets:
5000 int and 1500 spirit for blue trinkets.
5500 int and 2000 spirit for normal raid level trinkets (359).
6000 int and 2500 spirit for heroic raid trinkets(372+).

I have also given rough numbers only, based purely on the spirit or int present on the item.  These numbers should not be taken as canon, they are merely comparitive.

Please note that calculating the numbers based on your own intellect and spirit will be more accurate for you.  The formula is:

((0.001 + spi * sqrt{int} * 0.003345) * 5) /2

If you find any of my maths to be incorrect, please let me know so that I can correct my post.  You will be given full credit in the edit, I promise.

Blue trinkets

200 spirit
765 spell power on use

I'm not much of a fan of on-use effects, especially on-use throughput effects.  An on-use regen effect is ok because you can macro it into your Arcane Torrent, but generally when an on-use throughput effect would be useful you're too busy healing to use it.  Still, 841 spell power (765 spell power with a +10% spell power buff) can come in handy.  The 200 spirit, however, is fairly useful, giving ~118mp5.

All in all, not the best trinket, and not one I would consider going into raids with if I had any other choice at all.  Drops from the last event of Throne of Tides normal.

200 intellect
918 haste proc

Proc effects are better than on-use effects in general, as they tend to be used more often.  Throughput procs are dodgy, especially for shields, so generally I'm wary of  them.  The fact that this is a haste proc makes it slightly better in my mind than a spell power, intellect or mastery proc, simply because it won't interfere with re-shielding targets.  The intellect on this makes it alright though, providing 252 int, 277 spell power, 3881 mana, 0.39% spell crit, 19mp5 from replenish, 272 mana from Rapture and ~177mp5 spirit regen.

Again, not something I would consider going into raids with if I had any other choice at all.  Drops from Ascendant Lord Obsidius in Blackrock Caverns normal.

215 spirit
567 intellect on use (714.42)

Assuming that you use this on cooldown rather than save it "for emergencies" and then never use it like I tend to do, the intellect on this item is worth ~56mp5 from spirit and 6mp5 from replenish overall.  The proc works out to roughly 786 spell power for the 20 seconds of the buff.  The spirit will give you ~127mp5.

Yet again, not something to go into raids with if you can get your hands on anything else at all.  This is a pretty rare world drop item.

215 spirit
1290 haste proc

~127mp5 from the spirit, with a nice haste proc for a little boost every now and again.

Not something to go into a raid with if  you have any other option.  This is a spam drop from trash in Vortex Pinnacle.

215 mastery
1290 spell power proc

This is a reasonable throughput trinket, the mastery is nice for shields and the proc gives 1419 spell power with raid buffs.  This drops from Ozruk in Stonecore normal.

215 intellect
1290 spirit proc

Assuming that this procs once every 90seconds, the spirit proc is worth ~127mp5.  The intellect provides 271 int, 298 spell power, 4172 mana, 0.42% spell crit, 21mp5 from replenish, 292 mana from Rapture and ~184mp5 spirit regen with raid buffs.

Not a great trinket to start raids with, but definitely the best of the trinkets below ilvl346.  This drops from High Priestess Azil in Stonecore normal.

234 intellect
918 mastery

Mastery proc...  Only useful for shielding and self-defeating, as it interferes with re-shielding.  The intellect provides 281 int, 309 spell power, 4324 mana, 0.43% spell crit, 22mp5 from replenish, 303 mana from Rapture and 192mp5 from spirit regen with raid buffs.

Not fantastic, but definitely acceptable for raids.  Reward from a quest in Uldum - Firing Squad.

252 haste
300 spell power (Your healing and damage periodic spells grant 15 spell power each time they heal or deal damage.   Lasts 15 sec, stacking up to 20 times.)

This is a dreadful trinket for Discipline as the spell power stacks from hot ticks.  Even assuming that it's learnt how to proc from Glyph of Prayer of Healing ticks (it hadn't last time I used it) and you reforge the haste to spirit, it's only marginally better than an empty trinket slot.  And I might be wrong about that.  Don't use it.  Drops from Erudax in Grim Batol normal if you're thinking of taking it for Holy or Shadow.

Use: Places Egg Shell on your current target, absorbing 4060 damage.  While Egg Shell persists, you will gain 420 mana every 5 sec.  When the effect is cancelled, you gain 5040 mana.  Lasts 30 sec. (2 Min Cooldown)

This is an interesting one, and what it's worth depends entirely on the fight, the point of the fight that you use it and who you use it on. Assuming you manage to find someone who won't take damage to put this up on, the total gain from this trinket is 7560 mana every 2 minutes, or roughly 315mp5.  In raids, however, it's very rare that 30 seconds will go by without anyone taking any damage.  Assuming an uptime of 10s, it's worth about 5880 mana every 2 minutes, or roughly 245mp5.  If it gets cancelled immediately, then it's worth 5040 mana every 2 minutes, or roughly 210mp5.
The lack of throughput, specifically intellect, on this trinket make it a disappointing choice for Discipline.  That aside, the regen is pretty good.  Not a dreadful trinket overall, but definitely not my first choice.  This drops from Erudax in Grim Batol normal.

252 mastery
1512 spirit proc

The mastery on this is a reasonable throughput stat, especially if you're looking at doing 25mans.  The proc is worth ~199mp5, assuming it procs every 90 seconds.

Not a bad trinket overall, only the lack of intellect makes it slightly disappointing.  This drops from Isiset in Halls of Origination normal.
Requires Jewelcrafting 475
285 intellect
1425 spell power on use
The on-use of this trinket provides a boost of 1568 spell power when you use it with the 10% spell power buff.  The intellect provides 359 int, 395 spell power, 5530 mana, 0.55% spell crit, 28mp5 from replenish, 387 mana from Rapture and ~238mp5 from spirit regen.
Altogether a very nice throughput trinket.  This is a quest reward from Figurine - Jeweled Serpant, which is a Jewelcrafting-only world drop.
Requires Jewelcrafting 475
285 intellect
1425 spirit on use
Intellect trinket with a spirit on use is my second favourite of all!  The only better is a passive spirit proc.  The spirit proc on this is worth ~140mp5.  The intellect provides 359 int, 395 spell power, 5530 mana, 0.55% spell crit, 28mp5 from replenish, 387 mana from Rapture and ~238mp5 from spirit regen.

Definitely the best of the Jewelcrafting trinkets.  This is a quest reward from Figurine - Dream Owl, which is a Jewelcrafting-only world drop.
285 haste
340 spell power (Your healing and damage periodic spells grant 17 spell power each time they heal or deal damage.   Lasts 15 sec, stacking up to 20 times.)

This trinket is only slightly less dreadful for Discipline than the normal version.  Don't use it.  If you want it for Holy or Shadow, it drops from Erudax in Grim Batol Heroic.

285 mastery
1710 spell power proc.

Like its normal counterpart, this is a reasonable throughput trinket with a lot of mastery and a proc that gives 1881 spell power with raid buffs.  This is dropped by Ozruk in Stonecore heroic.

285 spirit
1425 spell power on use

The on-use effect will give 1568 spell power with raid buffs and the spirit will provide ~169mp5.

Altogether not amazing due to the lack of throughput stats, it's an alright regen trinket.  This can be found in the cache at the end of the final event in Throne of Tides heroic.

Use: Places Egg Shell on your current target, absorbing 4590 damage.  While Egg Shell persists, you will gain 475 mana every 5 sec.  When the effect is cancelled, you gain 5700 mana.  Lasts 30 sec. (2 Min Cooldown)

Assuming you manage to find someone who won't take damage to put this up on, the total gain from this trinket is 8550 mana every 2 minutes, or ~356mp5.  In raids, however, it's very rare that 30 seconds will go by without anyone taking any damage.  Assuming an uptime of 10s, it's worth about 6650 mana every 2 minutes, or roughly 277mp5.  If it gets cancelled immediately, then it's worth 5700 mana every 2 minutes, or roughly 238mp5.
The lack of throughput, specifically intellect, on this trinket make it a disappointing choice for Discipline.  That aside, the regen is pretty good.  Not a dreadful trinket overall, but definitely not my first choice.  This drops from Erudax in Grim Batol heroic.

285 intellect
1710 haste proc
The haste proc can provide a nice throughput boost, although procs are by nature unpredictable, making throughput boosts random and sometimes laughable for healers.  The intellect on this makes it pretty good though, providing 359 int, 395 spell power, 5530 mana, 0.55% spell crit, 28mp5 from replenish, 387 mana from Rapture and ~238mp5 spirit regen.

Very sexy throughput trinket, although lacking in the regen department.  This drops from Ascendant Lord Obsidius in Blacrock Caverns heroic.

285 mastery
1710 spirit proc

The mastery on this is a reasonable throughput stat, especially if you're looking at doing 25mans.  The proc is worth ~225mp5 overall, assuming it procs every 90 seconds.
Not a bad trinket overall, only the lack of intellect makes it slightly disappointing.  This drops from Isiset in Halls of Origination heroic.

285 intellect
1710 spirit proc
Assuming that this procs once every 90seconds, the spirit proc is worth ~168mp5.  The intellect provides 359 int, 395 spell power, 5530 mana, 0.55% spell crit, 28mp5 from replenish, 387 mana from Rapture and ~238mp5 spirit regen.

Definitely the best trinket from 5mans to start raids with, this drops (very, very, very rarely) from High Priestess Azil in Stonecore heroic.

Epic trinkets (ilvl 359)

321 spirit
1926 intellect proc

The spirit on this provides ~199mp5 and, assuming it procs every 90s, the intellect proc will give 2427 int, 2669 spell power, 37372 mana, 3.74% spell crit, 187mp5 from replenish and ~824mp5 from spirit regen for the 10s that it's active with full raid buffs.

As you may have noticed, I much prefer throughput trinkets with regen procs than regen trinkets with throughput procs.  A regen proc never goes to waste, but throughput procs often do.  This is pretty much the worst epic trinket for Discipline.  This trinket is purchasable from the Hellscream's Reach or Baradin's Wardens Quartermaster in Tol Barad.

Equip: Your healing spells grant Inner Eye, increasing spirit by 103 for 15 sec and stacking up to 5 times.
Use: Grants 6420 mana, but consumes all applications of Inner Eye and prevents Inner Eye from being triggered for 30 sec. (2 Min Cooldown)

This is another of those tricky ones.  Taking into account the ICD of 2s on Inner Eye and the fact that it only stacks once per spell (PoH won't give you a full stack qq), doesn't proc from Glyph of Prayer of Healing or Holy Nova, it's worth ~496mp5 if you use it on cooldown, ~319mp5 if you don't.

Altogether a very nice regen trinket, although the lack of throughput stats makes it less desirable for Disc.  This trinket drops from Maloriak normal mode in Blackwing Descent.
321 mastery
1926 spell power on use

The spell power proc gives 2119 spell power with raid buffs.
This is a very nice throughput trinket for those doing 25s, the on-use makes the spell power better than a proc, but the lack of regen is disappointing.  Not the best trinket, but not a terrible one either if you're not having mana trouble.  This trinket is purchasable from Valour Point vendors in Orgrimmar and Stormwind.
Requires Alchemy 500
301 intellect
1 red gem slot with +10 int socket bonus
194 haste
Equip: Increases the effect that healing and mana potions have on the wearer by 40%.  This effect does not stack.

The equip is worth about 4000 mana over the course of a fight if you use a Mythical Mana Potion.  The haste is very nice for throughput and can be reforged to spirit if you need it.  Assuming you put a Brilliant Inferno Ruby in the gemslot (you'd be crazy not to), the intellect provides 442 int, 486 spell power, 6811 mana, 0.68% spell crit, 34mp5 from replenish, 477 mana from Rapture and ~352mp5 spirit regen with all raid buffs.

Altogether a very nice throughput trinket, but the minimal regen makes it less valuable - 4000 extra mana from a pot is nice, but it can only be used once per fight.  The shorter the fight, the better this trinket becomes, until the fight is too short to make using a potion worthwhile.  A good trinket overall if you're not having mana troubles.

321 intellect
1926 spirit on use

The spirit proc provides ~199mp5 overall assuming it's used on cooldown.  The intellect provides 404.46 int, 445 spell power, 6228.684 mana, 0.62% spell crit, 31mp5 from replenish, 436 mana from Rapture and ~336mp5 spirit regen with all raid buffs.

A very nice combination of throughput and regen, definitely one of the better trinkets in its tier.  This trinket is purchasable from Valour Point vendors in Orgrimmar and Stormwind.

321 int
1926 spirit proc

Assuming this procs every 90s, the spirit will provide ~199mp5 overall.  The intellect provides 404.46 int, 445 spell power, 6228.684 mana, 0.62% spell crit, 31mp5 from replenish, 436 mana from Rapture and ~336mp5 spirit regen with all raid buffs.

Again, a very nice combination of throughput and regen, this trinket is slightly better than Core of Ripeness because it doesn't have to be used to get the spirit proc.  This trinket drops from Cho'Gall normal in The Bastion of Twilight.

321 int
400 spirit (Equip: Your healing spells have a chance to increase your Spirit by 80 for 20 sec.  This effect can stack up to 5 times.)
The spirit on this is worth ~248mp5.  The intellect provides 404 int, 445 spell power, 6229 mana, 0.62% spell crit, 31mp5 from replenish, 436 mana from Rapture and ~336mp5 spirit regen with all raid buffs.
The best part of this trinket is that you can stack it up before you get started, and keep it going through the entire fight.  It procs if you think about healing someone.  I can feel mine proccing from me thinking about proccing it by healing someone and I'm not even logged in.  If you don't have this trinket, get it.  Unless you have BiS heroic trinkets of course.  Definitely one of the 2 BiS trinkets for its tier.  This trinket is the quest reward from Tsunami Deck, which can be obtained via Inscription.
321 intellect
Equip: Recaptures 20% of all the mana you spend on spells, and stores it within the doll to be released at a later time.  Up to a maximum of 4200 mana can be stored.
Use: Releases all mana stored within the doll, causing you to gain that much mana, and all enemies within 15 yards take 1 point of Arcane damage for each point of mana released. (1 Min Cooldown)

The use of this doll gives 4200 mana back every minute, making it worth 350mp5.  The intellect on this provides 404.46 int, 445 spell power, 6228.684 mana, 0.62% spell crit, 31mp5 from replenish, 436 mana from Rapture and ~336mp5 spirit regen with all raid buffs.

This trinket is definitely the very best in it's tier, and one of the 2 BiS trinkets of the current available content.  If you don't have it, get out there and start digging.  This is a rare item available from Night Elf Archaeology digs from 450+ Archaeology.

Heroic Raid Trinkets (ilvl 372+)

Equip: Your healing spells grant Inner Eye, increasing spirit by 116 for 15 sec and stacking up to 5 times.
Use: Grants 7260 mana, but consumes all applications of Inner Eye and prevents Inner Eye from being triggered for 30 sec. (2 Min Cooldown)

Taking into account the ICD of 2s on Inner Eye and the fact that it only stacks once per spell (PoH won't give you a full stack qq), doesn't proc from Glyph of Prayer of Healing or Holy Nova, it's worth ~603mp5 if you use it on cooldown, ~375mp5 if you don't.

Altogether a very nice regen trinket, although the lack of throughput stats makes it less desirable for Disc.  This trinket drops from Maloriak heroic mode in Blackwing Descent.

363 int
1926 spirit proc (to be increased to 2178 in 4.1)
As 4.1 is imminent, I'm going to be using the new amount to calculate the value.  Assuming this procs every 90s, it is worth ~235mp5.  The intellect provides 457 int, 503 spell power, 7044 mana, 0.7% spell crit, 35mp5 from replenish, 493 mana from Rapture and ~447mp5 from spirit regen with all raid buffs.

A very good combination of throughput and regen, with the bonus of having a proc effect instead of an on-use effect.  I'd say this trinket is about equal to Darkmoon Card: Tsunami, depending on whether you need the extra regen or the throughput is more valuable.  A little disappointing from a heroic trinket, but still not dreadful.

Equip: Reduces the base mana cost of your spells by 405.
1935 haste on use (1 min cooldown)
I'm not a fan of on-use trinkets, or throughput procs in general, but haste on-use on this is very, very nice, especially with a 1 minute cooldown instead of the usual 2 minutes.
Let's look at that equip now.  Reduces the base mana cost of your spells by 405.  Wow.  Seriously, wow.  All very well and good for me to say that, I know, but let's look at it directly.  Let's say you're using a spell every 2s.  That's 405 mana gained by not being used every 2s.  That's effectively 1012.5mp5.  How about if you're casting on GCD?  That's 405 mana gained every 1.5s, which is effectively 1350mp5.  And if you're renew spamming as Holy with the talented 1s GCD?  2025mp5.
I officially declare this trinket to be BiS for this entire expansion.  May Blizzard prove me wrong.

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